
How to Fix Windows 10 Update if it Freezes or Becomes Stuck

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Windows 10 update problems february 2019 free download

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You must restart the computer after you apply this update if any affected files are being used. I have the same question 0. Too technical. Thank you for your feedback! February 5,update for Outlook KB Clear instructions.

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Any more feedback? After you install this update, attempts to start virtual machines VM that have RemoteFX vGPU enabled will fail, and messages such as the following will appear:. Your smartphone is an incredibly useful authentication device, and Windows 10 now allows you to use it instead of a password when signing in. After about 20 minutes, you should be able to restart your device and not encounter this issue. Bookmark the permalink. Too technical. Too technical.


Windows 10 update problems february 2019 free download


Is there any way I can delay it again? Sure wish we had a government of the people by the people and for the people instead of a lizard king baby-swilling dictator. Sure do. Disaster with Windows updates. What the hell? The last update was may 27 I hate Microsoft. Next tablet will be Apple. So little help for those that have already commented about their PC issues, all of us having an issue in different areas with the Win10 updates.

Geeze that is not always an option. Nor do most people have bucks for an Apple. I do a power supply shutoff and it still takes that long even with wiggling my mouse and clicking it, or tapping my Touch Screen Monitor. Searched for a fix, found it. Yeah that is fixed as of late yesterday. I installed an app called WUB. EXE windows update blocked. It disables the windows update services and particularly the windows update medic service.

Much better now. I view this as an attempt by MS to impose their crappy windows defender to everybody, and one of the reasons I use WUB now. Windows is done for me. I will not buy another pc. All Windows help threads are locked. The only thing Windows can be good at is games for the time being.

For real work I used my mac, much more secure and reliable. What good is this site? To let people know this update is screwed up. They can delay updates until this problem no longer exists. Last night it said microsoft edge was not available any longer, this a. Updated last night.

Today, lag time on mouse and keyboard and lots of double letters while typing. Latest update downloaded , took hours, ran slow the entire day, when I went to shut-down, I saw there was an update and applied it before shutting down. It also has started sending saved images to downloads instead of to the pictures file that they were supposed to go to. Has an update to Windows 10 created these problems? Please help. I m online all day everyday doing homework and online classes!

Well when the game crashed. Normally, it is suppose to close the game right? But for some Bill Gates reasons, the game crashed but it still running, and I cannot doing anything about it, unless I restart my PC all over again. Which is insanely time consuming and annoying. So bummed. Am I totally screwed? Dear Microsoft, I hate you, signed: Everyone who works with you.

Seriously, enough with the non working updates to fix a non working update. Clearly the current employees are not able to resolve this. Out with the old, in with the new. Come on! Then spend 3 years trying to get the Mac to do everything the PC does. Starting April 16th, the day after I downloaded the newest Windows 10 update, my computer has started crashing.

At first it was just when I tried doing anything like watching twitch or playing games. It has become less frequent, but more random. It even happens when I try downloading new games. Windows Locked Completely. It started a couple days before with not being able to save or transfer files.

Then yesterday morning, I turned on my laptop and all it has was my name and sign in. When the problem first begun I tried to reset my password many times and non worked. Then said to many attempts. My computer was still operating. Then it just Completely locked. I had to take it for repair and they could not even reset Windows Inorder to make my laptop operational it has to be set back to factory mode.

A complete and utter joke. With multiple Office accounts for different clients, the system keeps logging me out of my email accounts and requiring a full reboot to get my sessions working again. On april 19 when I opened Windows 10 it was a disaster. I received a large screen menu with many icons. But the earlier taskbar had disappeared and it became a real burden to move between programs, e. Is there any way to remedy this update. With Windows every digital upgrade is a human downgrade!

My HP Pavilion with Windows 10 suddenly takes 6 to 7 minutes to start from off and open a spreadsheet. Did the latest update destroy my registry settings? Should I uninstall the battery drivers and reboot? Win 10 updated last night 16th April. This morning I knew something was up when I started my PC, the icons in the task bar took eternity to appear.

My Edge browser has disappeared and the new version is not installed. Tried system restore, but that froze, force stopped the PC. Preparing Automatic Repair started on reboot but that froze so I performed another hard shutdown. I was streaming last night, windows prompted me to schedule an update, I postponed it. My start menu no longer works… neither does the Cortana Search box.

I have tried a lot of things to fix it, including force restarting Cortana, Windows Explorer and other related components, re-indexing my entire windows instance, etc etc etc… Behaviour encountered:. Hourglass circle then back to cursor. Left-Clicking in Search box in taskbar does nothing.

I also tried to do the windows update yesterday and when midnight after the restart, my laptop toshiba is not booting anymore.. Had problems with my pc, had to have it cleared an Windows 10 re-installed.

Jealous of the people who have found they have lost files….. Planning on going back to Linux at this rate. Not finding any so far.

Suddenly for the last three days I have lost every file and document I create. I create document, use it, print it and then suddenly the status is error and it is now unreadable and the folders are empty. Windows sucks and should be deleted from the face of the earth!!!! I have two computers running continuously. Maybe two weeks now today being April 1st, , perhaps two updates ago?

The PC is so slow to do any task, like opening a program, deleting files, running tasks…I thought it might be my internet when the problem developed in the browsers. But my internet speed is the same as always. Windows has turned my HP Pavilion into a !

It always seems to be searching, even overnight, it is still searching in the morning. I screen shoot pages and edit them and try to save them — again — wait, wait, wait, unresponsive and I Alt F4 and give up. I have little hair on my head left. Thanks Microsoft — your updates always fail.

I have been running my PC to dual boot, 1 up to date Windows 10 installation and 1 older one. Reason being that I got annoyed that after every update my network settings were messed with. So, I installed a version from before Microsoft broke it and disabled updates. Well last night it updated itself and just 10 minutes ago I went to my TV to stream a movie from my PC and 4 shared drives had vanished, just like before.

My network is wired in my house no one other than me has access. What the hell have they done and why??? Microsoft nor no one else know better than I do, regarding the functionality and safety of my own private PC and network.

So so annoying. I have had my HP laptop in the shop twice and 3 times with remote assistance. My scrollbar on email and websites keeps reverting to black and very thin. When new hard drive installed, everything reverted back and I tried to increase font as I simply cannot read it, I tried to fix mouse cursor to scroll less lines and cannot.

These are 2 of the 1, problems. We need out computers! Jeez Louise what is wrong with microsoft. There are no other choices for a simple user like me.

This is a question for anti-trust laws. Except screw with the little people. This is without the rats. The March Windows 10 updates has disabled the Background Scrolling feature.

Any ideas, maybe someone struggled the same? These March updates have my Lenovo IdeaPad5 freezing up on a random basis and several times a day.

I have tries uninstalling updates and using restore points but nothing to date has worked. Today, my saved Restore Points have all vanished.

Like microscopic. Way less than 8pt. I know how to increase display font size, mouse pointer size, etc. But there is NO option to correct the dropdown menu issue. My USB mouse and keyboard are not longer working on my laptop after the Windows update last night.

Worked OK yesterday, but Windows 10 updated this morning. It does work using an external USB lead, all data intact.

Please try if you can or if computers lets you to back up!!!!! There are many solutions for win 10 but some may not work due to mircosoft needs to resolve. If in doubt Youtube!!!!! Click to download a newer version of Windows 10 to stay supported.

And my version of Windows came with my laptop. My game app IWon is fine. Web sites also have text in white boxes. Uninstalled and installed the up date several times, same prob. I have run a dx on just about everything I can find including the graphics card…zero problems found. Same happened to me yesterday. After several hours of looping and rebooting via USB failed I took it to a PC repair shop and raised a support ticket with Microsoft to claim compensation.

Anyone else experience this with the latest update? After rebooting all desktop files and icons as well as taskbar icons were gone. As if with a new installation of windows. It is as if a side account was created on my pc. No files whatsoever in my documents, download. Upon rebooting and signing in again with my pin it still was the same.

Then I decided to sign in using my password and low and behold…back to normal. Going to restart again and see if the pin brings me back to my original desktop. Mouse cursor is visible on a blank, dark blue screen.

Any suggesteions would be appreciated. Hi, I update my windows pavilion just like 3 days ago and it has been hanging since. My boss and I both, after the March 12 updates were installed, are unable to use Google chrome When you click on it, nothing happens, and eventually you get a message about being unresponsive. This forces me to use Edge or Firefox. I refuse to use IE. I sort of wonder whether this was intentional!

I installed the latest Windows 10 update two days ago, a total disaster, at first it kept telling me I was done doing the update, then there were mysteriously more updates the following day.

Also deleted the admittedly crap Microsoft Flight Simulator , which I gave up using four months ago due to how horrible it is, a whole other story.

I cannot stand Microsoft, and Windows 10 never worked very well, in my opinion. But these updates are even worse. It even deleted my desktop wallpaper and such.

No idea what is going on. I hate being beholden to some megacorp. An evil monopoly is just that. You pay for the license to run it on your rig. You own your physical rig. The only way to make page active again is to click on another page then go back. Seriously weird andannoying. I just turned on my laptop for the first time in a few days. It had 3 updates needed so I hit the install. How do I fix this? Hey guys and gals.

Maybe we should all file a class action lawsuit against Microsoft. Since the start of February all updates other then Net Framework and Windows Defender cause Edge to crash Firefox works not only does it crash but its frozen in the 8 seconds it stays open with the Restore Last Page tab open. Windows Update crashes also but Programs and Features works and I can remove the update then hide it with wushowhide.

These 4 I know for sure cause these problems: Windows I have not had any of the freeze while updating problems. Microsoft Windows 10 Professional x64 Build Same with my desktop. Suddenly would freeze and unable to do anything. Hopefully it would restore back to normal. Managed to repeat update install after rebooting, using Update Settings.

Friday 12th March Still freezing at random intervals though less frequent than yesterday. I have to cold reboot to clear the Hang. Windows update overnight now hoverover text not working — a blank speach bubble appears but no text, have to click through to site to read.

Irritating and time consuming. Everything is wonky!! How can I fix this??? It shut down and will not work. Not even a factory reset would restore it. With my headphones listening to something, it randomnly cuts off and im needing to restart constantly. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Mouse cursor slowed to the point of being unusable. Keyboard also decided to stop working. Uninstalled both updates and fixed the problem. Second one. It is off line again.

Plus all kinds of messages cannot find folder, cannot delete, cannot cannot cannot. It is ridiculous. Then when I want to uninstall a program using the Control patter I got a cannot message there too so had to do a manual delete. I think you owe me a laptop and a printer. Switched on pc today So going to create a boot drive and reimage the pc.

What a nightmare. Win 10 is a joke! I swear they do do this to make money, so people call in to pay Microsoft to pay crap they broke.

Worked great for a couple months and my computer worked flawlessly!! Latest Windows 10 caused my pc black screen and no normal start at all. Cannot get into login screen at all..

Windows disappear when move mouse towards them — always been too sensitive but now renders performance almost useless for multitasking. Their latest update crashed my pc.

I had to remove power and restart, then windows removed the update. Today, everything attached to my taskbar is acting wonky.

I have no clock. The date has randomly disappeared either partially or fully. At that point it will stop displaying the names of the apps and instead show snippets of whatever text lays on the screen below the slide-up window! Thus far these are merely minor annoyances, and I can live without all of that functionality; but it makes one wonder what lays beneath the obvious flaws? And that company continues to grow, despite the fact that THIS is the stuff they churn out?

I have two laptops with Windows I have had cursor problems with both of them especially playing Windows Store Solitaire and Classic Word…the cursor locks up often. Could this be causing the lock up in downloaded games from Microsoft store? What else could be causing the cursor to lock or be erratic during playing these two games? I had a big update yesterday 4th Feb, and another one a day later. The 2nd one has killed my internet on my pc. Can still access internet on my TV.

I spoke to my ISP, and they ran me through a few things, something about the ip. Accessing the modem on the computer works intermittently, but results are the same.. Acer laptop will not reboot following latest patch. I usually uninstall the faulty update and wait until bugs have been ironed out before allowing it to install again.

Additionally the email address I used when it was set up is no longer operative. Windows Explorer has been crashing for me and causing programs to fail to load or shut down, check in task mgr and see if it as running or crashed, if so restart windows explorer. My laptop was able to boot but I can not launch anything windows related.

I cant launch file explorer or even windows start menu so I cant access the logout or restart button or get into settings. Later i found out that a new update has arrived and as usual the system hangs. Most recent update affects my screen. Once it goes to sleep you cannot wake it up and have to power reset to regain access. Same here but all you can really do is wait for microsoft to fix this, you can try to remove graphical driver but you will need to use DDU in safe mode and for me now its just turns off but press win key and p gets it back.

Was totally locked out of my computer until I got around it by restoring to before the update. The problem is it covers a part of any active window which is not nice. My PC went from humming to close to a snail instantly. Programs take ages to open, simple webpages freeze. Its a nightmare. I have never had knock on wood.. This runs the various computers I have had too. Nothing, nodda, zero problems. This appears to be to tech savvy users only.

I know quite a lot of people with Windows 10 and they can barely turn a computer on or know enough to make it work for what they want.

I have never heard any of them complain about any update either. So this leads me to believe that the complainers want everything perfect and I have news for you nothing is ever perfect. I have been lucky enough not to have any problems. They want all the bells and whistles and a perfect computer. There have been many times that I installed a software that messed up my computer.

He proceeded to tell me about this one computer and the trouble it was having. I asked him if he ran the usual software that might help in locating the problem. The problem I had was it was a pirated copy he had. If anyone he did computer work for got caught with an illegal operating system, WOW. Like I said I know a bit about computers but nobody I know has had a problem where they needed help.

In actuality people ask me more about cell phones which I look at but do NOT have one myself. Windows havent been able to install almost single update since I 1st purchased their own brand Windows surface machine.. They are required for me to let them to take over the reigns of the operating system updates… and yet they cant even do the job.

Everything I try to do in the horrible microsoft abortion called windows 10 gives me fits. Does anybody have a fix that actually works???? Microsoft changed my icons to have little clouds in the left hand corner breaking ALL the links to my icons. Gee thanks Windows—I want my icons back!!!! Caused me to lose file. Seriously—if windows is going to force an update—then it needs to be flawless in determining if the computer is working already!

So frustrating. My pc is so slow to boot up and then freezes up between applications and I get the windows not responding and the rotating blue circle forever it seems. If updates are this problematical, give us the option to not install it.

I tried to boot windows from a usb key boot loader, but no luck. Any ideas what to do to get my computer working again? My lenovo is literally jumpy! OMG I try to click on anything and it opens up a different window! My PC has almost completely frozen.

Everything keeps freezing up over the past few weeks! Nothing helps. Since the Sunday November 15th update my HP laptop is useless. All of my settings are gone. I thought my files were, too. I really panicked and had to look hard for them. They have been relocated. I personalize my screen and the next day it has reverted to a classic Windows screen. I can no longer print from the laptop to my printer.

I am VERY upset!!!. This update is a disaster. It needs to be undone. Windows 10 is not fit to be called an Operating System for business laptop or PC use. Microsoft had no common sense, they should have ironed out the minor bugs with Win7. If everyone reverted back to Win7 if they cannot handle Linux! I actually now have time to use them as productive devices, instead of having to fix Win10 issues all the time.

All you need is a good antivirus installed and block the small amount of CEIP it may run. Now I am Cortana free, MS spyware free, problem free…. I will indicate what line 10 should say with symbols.

Somehow this editor keeps deleting from my line Windows 10 updated last night switched on tonight after 20 minutes of a circle going round I got to the login screen only to followed by a black screen and I cant get past it! I have switched it off forced and restarted still the same so switched it off and walked away. I am SO glad I use a dual boot with Linux and only use w10 when I need to becase it is just absolute rubbish!

Never seen that happen before. Any ideas on what caused that? I have windows 10 version , 1 year 6 months no problem. Would it be wise to actually un-plug my desktop to discharge the capacitors. After the latest up-date, it will not recognize my 2nd monitor which worked like a champ until the update of Oct 7 or so. It always tells me I have the latest driver. Microsoft really screwed us all over this time. What the hell did they do last night? Slower than ME. I would love 7 right now. I am done with windows.

After August windows 10 update which totally crashed my computer, I am going with Apple now. More money, but less aggravation. Windows 10 is worse than Vista. My Toshiba Laptop running Windows 8. I had no restore points to remove the update. My desktop with Windows 10 was not affected following the last update. I cleared all caches, deleted many of my emails Outlook repeated froze the laptop and had to power off to restart.

No improvement. I expect Microsoft might be deliberateiy sabotaging operating systems to sell more products. Yesterday, twice in a row which has never happened. Anyone else with this problem? Microsoft could give us all a free version of windows 8. I needed a new laptop and was forced to buy with windows I have four windows 7 in my house and one windows 8. Windows 7 is our go to. I miss the old days.

What is going on? Has anyone else experienced this? Everything is slow, typing is slow usually a word or two behind what is being typed mouse is slow have to click times to get it to open and then opening anything takes secs to register it is opening. Just writing this took longer than it should waiting for the words to catch up.

I have a Lenovo Yoga which was working perfectly at the weekend. Any thoughts would be really appreciated. This totally sucks. I was playing Rainbow Six Siege a while ago and it randomly closed. Maybe on Monday I can find a solution?

I was up until 2 am this morning trying every fix suggested on the Internet- using my cell phone that remained connected to my home WiFi, and now? The Surfacd WiFi just mysteriously started. Just dont get it. My laptop had Win 10 installed when I bought it 2 yr ago. In Jan came update attempts which failed. In Feb came a new window re. Updates which I kept putting off until later. A few days ago the update window from hell finally caught me asleep and installed itself without my authorization.

Attempts to fix the issue with the compatability troublemaker consistently yielded an error window. I found a backdoor into the compatability troublemaker that actually attempted to fix the issue — said it did and I should try it — I did that a few times and then tried hopefully to run the games all to no solution — still no action.

I downloaded the repair tool suggested above — restoro. I happened to run McAfee AV which then reported numerous files in restoro that needed quarantine, so I uninstalled that. I can relate but on a separate level. You have problems with the display changing while I have problems with my computer not remembering my login information. It changes whenever I restart my computer. Microsoft is really starting to piss me off too. I hope you get yours figured out. I am so fed up with Microsoft I could scream!

Since the last update, I have to login to my MS account, into my Bing account, re-do my search settings, and sign into my Disqus account every time I restart my computer. This is infuriating. I am fed up with MS updates. How frustrating. After the late February update my display desktop is a pale blue and the fonts are all over the place in size. Mostly smaller. The same thing is happening on two desktops in my house, one is a Intel I5 on a Gigabyte mother board and the other is an AMD on a Asus mother board.

LOLL haha… really any suprise.. Hi, I did a forced windows update on thursday 13 feb … next morning computer shuts down on start up… sometimes shuts down just after entering passwpassword and sometimes a minute or 2 after windows opens home screen… ddid try and restart in safe mode which did work for a longer period of time… Very frustrating as this is a business computer and it is costing me time… Does anyone know of a reason or have a fix for this yet???

I first checked updates and there were none since January, except Firefox. My computer is crawling. Last night worked fine. No idea why Windows and FF are so slow today. Taking forever to load W10 programs and also internet. Quite strange, especially if there were no W updates.

Maybe check again…. Latest update ended with a black screen, and a box advising that Windows was setting up a personalized experience for something.

With Task Manager, tried to restart Explorer, failed. Tried to log off, failed. Hard reset, Windows started OK. I thought I had always had the latest version of windows because I have automatic updates on. However, I found I did not have the latest. I updated manually because the updates website stated I already had the latest version????? Now, since updating, my mouse has got a mind of its own. Highlighting items, opening other windows, jumping all over my screen.

So i found this article cause this morning my computer started freaking out. Turns on 10 seconds then boots over and over and over pls help!

I am poor and cant bring it in to get repaired. It auto installed latest windows update this morning. Go figure. The latest forced Windows 10 update sometime mid-Dec really takes the cake. Way to go, I thought updates were meant to be improvements! Yet another irate Windows customer. We ran into this and found it had created another user or something like that on some of the computers, but not all. Check users and see if that is what happened. We just worked around for now. Will do fresh install when we have more time.

NOW, after updating overnight, WIndows has introduced another, well hidden, issue that causes my connection to fail at random intervals, with the useless troubleshooter failing to resolve or deicover the ussue, determined that my cabling is suspect which, by swapping it out, I know it is not. This is only a Windows issue, as all my Android devices work perfectly, with no interruptions in connectivity. Over 45, pictures. I had to restore to the point before the update to get them all back.

What the heck. Do I even need the update? Not sure what else is wrong as it is now a complete pain in the ass to navigate to the various apps and programs I need.

Also very slow startup to the point I though that my fingerprint login function was borked as well. Really angry with MS yet again — Windows 10 updates are a complete fiasco — i had to have 3 laptop rebuilds last year and 2 so far this year. My previous laptop was rebuilt to dual boot with Linux which saved my sanity on two calamitous W10 update failures but unfortunately I am tied to MS Excel otherwise I would have waved Windows goodbye for ever already.

It is as if anything with any age to it or with file format issues was uninstalled and will have to be redone. System runs fine but is almost worthless.

This happens constantly and is driving me nuts. I have lots of work to do for my charity and it takes so long to keep resetting to my previous version of windows This is how I am able to enter this text. No doubt overnight it will update automatically and I will have to reverse it again. Did my update last night and today. Windows 10 just updated yesterday and now my PC does not completely shutdown. I am left with all the lights, etc still on and have to switch off manually. Update on July 27 made it impossible to get into windows.

There is no box for a password or any other way to get into the program. I tried to get the Dell inspiron desktop to go to safe mode and could not find it.

Microsoft should pay to have it fixed. Worked thru HP support for previous issues just like this as well as HP troubleshooting and nothing works. Both of my Surface 3 devices had their charging drivers broken by the most recent Windows update on the 19th. A friend saw a post about it and said their workplace has been chaos the last week because they also use Surfaces at their clinic and also got the update.

Have had a laptop for just over a month. This morning I saw a message asking if I wanted to install updates or delay. Needing to work, I selected a delay. Shortly after that I tried to start the Bash for Windows app. After a long delay, Windows said it had encountered an error and had to reboot.

However, it stated it had encountered a problem rebooting. However, same thing — attempting to reboot just let to a screen saying there was a problem, did I want to reboot or try Advanced Options. I can no longer use a picture to personalize desktop after Windows update January 21, ? The picture option is gone from the desktop background settings menu and I now have a black background. Did the option move somewhere else or disappear completely?

The latest update came with a lot of drivers to update as well…My trackpad stopped working. And now…my computer is dying. Anyone having the same problem? Office inaccessable and has disapeared I get a winword. Oobesystemsmultipage msg in window. What in the world am I supposed to do?

How do I get my computer working again? Completely confused by this. Automatic update last night and now I keep getting strange messages relating to wifi adapters and network discovery. I dont know how to deal with this stuff. Another is products that ship with windows, example groove. A good example of a rubbish app.

Another the installed apps. Several cannot be uninstalled without more knowledge. All apps should have an easy way to remove them. IT may improve when they fully integrate windows with linux or even better take the best bits from all 3 and make a winlinmac operating system. Apps hang for no reason at all but works in the background.

Showed some KB file Patch Tuesday along with an update to Acer tech had nothing new. So far no post online that small Android phone can find worked.

Is no family can get help from. Is no way past initial Boot sequence. NO button combinations so far worked. BIOS can access but is setup to stop there. No access to CMD let alone recovery so far. Best advice is call up Acer, or whoever you have a warranty with if you still have one and get it sent off.

My computer did the install just now. I have a Toshiba Laptop running Win 10 that today after latest forced update refuses to see any mouse whether USB, wireless or its own internal touchpad so its effectively unusable.

I have a new laptop for a class I am taking, got it brand new in April I was told to do the HP updates that appear on my computer where it has an HP logo, there is a! I did not want any viruses or anything getting in it, so I did not use it for anything but the class 3 times a week.

Now what do I do? Ring up whoever you bought it from, as you probably still have a warranty with them if you only got it in April, and send it off and get it fixed. SIDE NOTE: There is no reason what so ever to do any of the HP upgrades, all they will do is clog your machine with junk meaning over time you will run out of space on your HDD to save your class work onto, and slow down the running time of your computer as it will want to start all of the HP upgrades upon start of the machine, meaning longer boot times that you will never use and its a way for HP to know what you are searching and where you are if you having ticked the boxes.

So yeah, if someone tells you to do a HP upgrade, ignore it. I have SIX dead laptops, thanks to Win10 updates!

Every time another update comes out, we lose another Elitebook p, w, p, mainly to the boot loop problem! WTF, Microsoft!? Anyone have any ideas for reviving these corrupted machines?? Or any way to get MS to fix the machines they kill?? I plan to have restored. I love that laptop. I hate that mcafee comes installed. After my Windows 7 computer went south, I returned to my Windows 10 system two months ago. One piece of advice that could be helpful is to let the updates do their thing no matter how long it takes; it can take an hour or more.

Turning the computer off or attempting to interrupt it could cause problems. I may have done this in the past.

My computer was fine when I went to bed then woke up to a blue screen asking me what keyboard I wanted. Choose USA and then a tiresome loop started. Took it finally to a tech repair service and it cost me LEAVE my computers alone, or ask first. I updated last night before I went to bed. I go to get on in the morning and I cannot get on at all.

This is my issue right now and I am freaking out. We managed to get it back to the login screen, I forget which one of the options we chose, but we did restartr several times. So I really dont know what to do, it has been stuck there like that for 20 minutes. I had to pay for a new hard drive.

My computer is a little over one year old. Since you get to update without my permission and this is supposedly your property, then I want you top pay for the fix. This is expensive and a huge unnecessary pain redoing everything. I downloaded update last night and turned off the computer. This morning when I turned it on again, there was basically nothing on my computer which is a Dell Inspiron lap top that was running Windows 10 fine until now.

Now literally nothing on my computer except recycle bin and icons the taskbar that there is no audio system. My computer is about 18 months old and no trouble until this. So much might be list:. I have 2 external hard drives, they are both stuck at drive D: D: two drive letters. I go to disk management to fully clear them and than make a new drive letter.

But when I asign any drive letter backup settings still says M: M: two drives letters whatever I set it as. This is crap Microsoft! My computer downloaded the most recent updates last night. Today, after two hours, it was unable to complete the installation of the updates. It is still locked up trying to restore a previous version of Windows I have work I need to get done, and this is not helpful. The sane thing happened to me. Still, I think this is really shoddy work on the part of Microsoft, to have such a shoddy product that people like us are left in a lurch.

I did the upgrade last night on my notebook and it is totally chaos. In the morning, it takes another few hours I went out and back home to continue install after reboot.

When I back home again, the notebook is shutdown automatically and I thought it is finally completed. Then I turn it on again but it then said roll back to previous windows version, it takes about minutes and suddenly the power is off. Windows 10, version and Windows Server, version update history. Windows 10, version , Windows Server, version , and Windows Server update history.

Windows 10, version update history. Windows 10, version and Windows Server update history. Windows 10 initial version released July update history.

Release Date:. OS Build Windows Update Improvements Microsoft has released an update directly to the Windows Update client to improve reliability. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. A subscription to make the most of your time. Try one month free. Was this information helpful?

Yes No. Any other feedback? The more you tell us, the more we can help. How can we improve? Send No thanks. Thank you for your feedback! Do one of the following: Perform the operation from a process that has administrator privilege. Microsoft is working on a resolution and will provide an update in an upcoming release. Select Keep my Files.


How to Fix Stuck Microsoft Windows Update on Windows 10.


Windows 10 is still far from perfect, with users continuing to complain about Windows 10 problems on a daily basis. Microsoft are doing their best to remedy the situation with updates that seem to take place each week, but can they really stop the influx of Windows 10 errors and bugs that keep happening without fail? What Windows 10 problems or errors do you have on Friday July 9, ?

Look out for updates from the PR team during official statements from Microsoft regarding problems and participate in the comments section to troubleshoot effectively. After updating to the most recent version of Win10, I began noticing my wireless mouse pointer would disappear when I first boot up or after the device goes to sleep. The only way to get it back is to restart the PC. I uninstalled the update and the PC went back to operating normally.

But the update keeps getting reinstalled and every time it does, I encounter the same problem. Nothing fixes this. Unbelievable problems in the past week! Very slow, frozen, MS just took some info from my PC due to a major error and failure they found. Now I cannot get back on!! I am using an old reliable Windows 7 to type this on my old PC!

I cannot access any of my working files so I have resorted to recording my info in a note pad using pencil!! So just to understand this comment page, you write your issues down and none replies? Where can you find help? Whenever I have discord open and no one is talking my computer is fine, but when someone speaks my mouse starts to jump and my sound starts crunching from time to time.

This all happened after the update that added the weather next to the wifi and battery symbols. My apps such as Genshin impact and netflix crashes after 3 seconds of opening it. I tried to update but when it gets to a security update it fails. I tried downloading from Microsoft catalog and it failed.

I completely reset my laptop and it still failed!!!! Come on!!! Forces me to go to the app menu to reconnect to the internet. Also, with no battery indicator, I hav no way of knowing when my battery is getting low.

Where the hell is it? There is absolutely no mention of it on the Microsoft site. Yesterday I opened it and it had an update error. I suspect windows forced its update as the past couple weeks I have suspended the update several times.

I tried a hard reset, tried resetting the CMOS, restarted a thousand times but nothing. Hit power button, ASUS shows then screen blanks. About an hour later a screen pops up asking me for a keyboard language, I click US and it brings up a screen allowing several options like recovery, restore, troubleshooting, etc.

I tried all of them but they all say there is a problem with the PC. Around today, my pc suddenly restarted. After that, it is constantly freezing, even when nothing is opened, no programs are running.

Working find Friday Cannot work as the link cannot understand the long pauses and fails at the connection stage. Even simple things like BBC new will not load. Did break into 1 spreadsheet but that was it. What have Microsoft done my internet provider has checked everything this end. One of the programs I used daily just disappeared— as in the executable file was deleted right after I opened it— for no reason and without warning, twice.

I have not reinstalled it again. One paid program simply will not work at all. Another paid program will not install. The computer is so slow, and it should not be. This is basically making my computer useless.

My Dell laptop is basically useless after latest updates. It wont open setting, takes ages to login or open anything and it is getting worse. Trying to shut down bit it is stuck on the shutting down screen forever.

Yesterday the laptop was fine and working. It also makes weird audio sounds. I am angry if MS is messing up our computors it is my pocket and work that is being affected. Update occurred overnight on 28th June, since Tuesday 29th June…My PC takes and hour and a half just to load the desktop. My machine was off for 8 hours and was working fine to that point. When next I turned it on, the sound was up the creek without a paddle. It stopped coming from the Toshiba monitor in stereo and instead is now coming from the tower in mono — a terrible, tinny, horrible sound turning mono off does absolutely nothing.

Highly suspicious that these things occurred while the machine was turned off. I suddenly have a new hard drive after this update today. If this is the beginning of the new 11 system, looks like the road will be bumpy.

They can not save my files and all 3 at the same time locked in blue screen loop. One of them is a dollar Spectre that is 6 months old. This has to be from an update from Microsoft. They should pay for this. Same issue here… 3 days ago i went to play a game and my framerate completely tanked.. I built my computer and poured over into it.. The updates are screwing my computers. I have two hours laptops. I updated both of them and now they are both showing the blue recovery screen and there is nothing I can do to fix it making my laptops.

They was acting fine until they force this update my computers and now they completely useless. I am unable to roll back this latest update made my laptop, unuseable!? My pin is missing unable to create a new one either …. Hi everyone so I updated my laptop to the new Windows updates preview I think it was?

Latest Windows update screwed up my Aspire One notebook. It is also no longer possible to install the Intel Driver update software — it gets an unknown error.

I will try to roll back the latest updates. I have lost the ability to create sub-folders via Windows Explorer, Plus folders no longer indicate whethet thy contain sub-folders. I am using Windows 10 latest on an HP desktop. After the latest June update I still have the same problem only worse. Same for Mozilla.

The most frustrating thing the update did, ruined my mouse. The scroll wheel only does speed scrolling so I have to use the keypad instead which is a pain. So I am reopening task manager on average, every 5 minutes. MS already killed my last laptop with garbage updates, and it is on the way to killing this one too.

No customer service at all. I think we should do a class action lawsuit. Waasmedic was the problem a few weeks ago but it is something else now. MS is dreadful. The only suggestion I can think of is to plug in a keyboard, then go to Device Manager, and at the very top of the device tree will most likely be your computer name. But doing that seems to help nudge it back into using the port that the keyboard is connected to. See if there is any note of conflict or malfunction next to something that may apply to your keyboard.

If the keyboard shows up, you can right-click it, and gain insight in the Device Properties. This can clue you in to possible errors. Because the computer may erroneously having problems with one of those settings. Also, from Device Manager, you can try to Update Device Drivers on your keyboard or port, to see if that fixes the problem.

Good luck! Paid for Adobe Pro subscription non-functional after Windows update. Nothing would repair it — had to do a freaking system restore.

What the F Microsoft? Not to mention every blasted update ruins something that has been working perfectly until the update.

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